Town of Salem has ISO Now

OP is also a veteran of the RTSDG community

What’s your reasons?
and you had a lot of terrible ideas already before forum, and I love you regardless

And the middle of the thread was us inviting you to try it with us as we were hopping on to test it.


It’s on most forums

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forum games has the name forum games not without a reason :wink:

It exists on Twitter, as in you can look at a single person’s posts

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It exists on YouTube, as you can see what videos a particular person has posted

Yea outside of games its common. In games its pretty uncommon.

Inside games, it’s not as common for non mods since consolidating information isn’t as necessary

For moderated games, I’m fairly sure they still use it to cut down on clutter

At least some form of it

fair enough

If I answer this are you actually going to engage with anything I say in good faith or are you going to go ‘but you’re a forumer so your opinion doesn’t count’ like the last several times I’ve tried to explain my reasons for literally anything I think


No. Answer this like you would have before this forum stuff.

its almost as if people can’t fuckin warp their mind back to before a point where something significant happened

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Most forum ideas are written by people who almost never play tol and have even less idea of the current playerbase and their metas. They CAN be right. It’s not very likely tho. It’s basically a random chance.
If your ideas are exactly the forum ideas… then don’t expect them to have a good chance to be good.

Given that text clutter is a challenge in text based games where multiple people are communicating, a feature to check what a particular player said is a QoL improvement that might reduce tilt
I think


It’s an intended challenge tho, since it takes time, and time is a resource in a turbo game :wink:

Like it’s more frustrating than actually difficult to reread to see if a particular player spoke

then stop talking about fol and the queue

you don’t play it, why should you give ideas on it?

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