Town of Salem has ISO Now

That argument works both ways

Someone could easily say “ToL is nothing different than FoL but on Steam and fast, just take FoL as the basics and try to change it a bit to match it to a turbo environment” and it would be roughly as true

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God tier idea:
Novelty pirate filter for 1000gp

It takes all text and converts into pirate using an automatic translator

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Like you literally say that ToL (ToL, not FoL) is swingy, players abilities don’t matter, not suited for ranked, non-competitve ect.
This are rounded adjectives to represent something… well… bad.

I guess this might be your opinion about ToL, but it also sounds like you are provoking people a bit.

Not to mention team member probably shouldn’t be saying stuff like that.


what the fuck is this thread even about :man_facepalming:

I’d assume you were trolling at this point but I know you aren’t

Which is arguably scarier


I spy a litten. :upside_down_face:

no you don’t



:fire: :cat:


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stop you are pointing me out when I’m in the bushes laughing at this thread

I’m trying to blend in and you aren’t helping



this thread has gone in circles. everyone should make some tea, take a bath, and maybe just let it go

but i aint your mom so do whatever you want

On the other hand

I’ve played more than enough ToL to get it, and have been here making balance suggestions and being directly responsible for changes since the beginning

The game has not significantly changed since I last played

And the general principles are directly applicable from game to game, and I have probably more experience in the genre than almost anyone else in this conversation (read: eevee), and absolutely have more experience than anyone else in the conversation working on changes to RTSDGs.

So I’m not convinced there’s really a valid reason to out-of-hand discount my opinion on the matter, and that’s ignoring the fact that out-of-hand discounting others’ opinions is generally just an awful idea.

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Like do I predate every non-core member of Guides+?

I literally might

And I’ve been active the whole time barring solar car

holy shit this has 836 messages


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what the hell did i miss here

i thought this would just be something with like 12 messages

and then just


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define “core” member

the answer is probably but your definition is a bit important

The game has not significantly changed since I played. I used to play daily and got like 180 hours and that was from the time I think it was Maid was added til the end of November of 2018. Then i joined here and this scratched my mafia itch more. Since then theres been few at best Balance patches. And I have tested a good few of them. Now i havent tried the most recent two ones but I’m sure enough from the patch notes that the game isnt so wildly different. There might be a slightly different meta but from what I heard it’s just a claim D2 meta which ain’t that different from when i played daily. But the game as a whole hasnt changed. Us not playing daily or putting 10 hours a week into TOL does not mean we arent fans or want the game to improve. Also patch notes are a thing. We might not have played every change but a good bit of us respond to each patch notes that are put on this forum. Cause reading patch notes like fighting game patch notes it’s kinda easy to tell if the changes are impactful or if they nerfed greninja again. Like most of us know the state of the game and the fact we are shut down on opinions of the game cause we dont play 40+ hours a week or havent tried the most recent patch is absolute garbage imo. We know the game it hasnt significantly changed. Plus our opinions have gotten great changes before like Chrono and Maid. Pls stop dismissing us

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