Town of Salem has ISO Now

Maxwell got banned for talking about a mysterious lis…

Wait… why should they.
You guys can talk about everything you want, noone gets punished.
It’s just probably better to not bring drama unnecessarily up again, since there is no point in it and it has hurt a lot of people, but there are no stealth punishments or anything… there’s no need to be afraid or even be terrified.
Just a reminder of your fellow Guide: feel comfortable, have fun, don’t be afraid of some mysterious punishments :eyes:


I think you’re missing a ‘not’ :eyes:



once again, i go by N now
I go by N now for a reason, because my old username had some (non-ToL, non-FM) painful baggage from April through December 2018 that I wanted to get rid of
Pls refer to me by my new username now


It wasn’t a joke. He was banned, he appealed, he got appeal through.


Fair enough

How do you get banned for attacking a fictional character?

Mods can make mistakes too :eyes:

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Pls answer this @eevee-sama

I mean, we don’t need to know all character form all games, hence mistakes happen.

That’s what appeals are for.


I definitely would have expected you to know Ness???

I don’t know Ness
The only Ness I know is a Judge
But noone here knows him so its pretty safe to say you didn’t mean him

I dont know ness either

other than from that 1 FM

PK Fire tho

Player Killing Fire?

I mean, you can kill firekitten in mafia game if you want to.


What about irl

ill pk you in the wildy nerd

bring ur bank

“Player kill” in real life?

So you suggest that we are all just a players to a game called life?

That’s… deep bro.

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