Town of Salem has ISO Now

it was though


I won’t forget tho

ill fuckin game end you and your entire lineage


Insert joke

Is chaos what we really need in this game? After all, chaos is the driving force of stupidity and I, for one, actually want to improve instead of being artificially held back by the average player being just bad at playing because the game is too hectic for them to actually learn.

How so? And why is laying low a bad thing as either faction?

How so? Right now we have a massclaim system called VFR. How would this promote massclaiming?

Hey look, a new way for scum to use the SOCIAL aspect of a SOCIAL DEDUCTION game against the town, also it would promote the use of being social. On the surface it appears scummy, but if you dig a bit deeper, is it really?

I, for one, would be happy if any social deduction in a SOCIAL DEDUCTION game was actually used, instead of “Oh you claimed Maid? Prepare to lose your life”

I disagree, it gives evils a way to abuse the social aspect in their favor, by giving false social reasons for why someone is scummy.

ISO would make the game tip in the favor of whoever can use it to their advantage the most.

1: You don’t know everything form every player. However, it severely helps with solving the game as BD, or winning the game as anything else.
2: Why would we need to make it even shorter? And yeah, time is of the essence. Any time that you spend ISOing is time you aren’t spending in the now, leading the game into a possible victory for your team.

The few that use it will not only inspire others to use it, but will tend to win more games as a result of it.

I don’t see how this is relevant.

I disagree. Two veterans of either differing teams, or even the same BD team would have a harder time winning, as their arsenal has just been upgraded to include new weaponry. As for Newbies, with a few ToL resources available (AND A PROPER TUTORIAL) we could alleviate this issue.

If it’s worth being implemented, I’d say it doesn’t matter.

We spend most of our time scrolling through chat just to find that one particular statement that someone sent. this is more of a ‘annoying’ and has nothing to do with game meta. but i completely agree if ISO makes bd easier and able to corner evils Faster. why dont we take a middle ground. everyone has ability to turn on ISO for only 5 seconds each day just to skim through chat faster, and choose player to imply on that ISO. this is more of a QoL than a game meta.

This is an if statement with no then statement, and is thus meaningless.

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Wow. He has an opinion and you should respect it, not disregard it for dumb reasons :stuck_out_tongue:

I think what Nuclear is saying is that the sentence structure is preventing him from parsing what Zegees is saying – is that right, Nuclear?


Tfw you once write something, and all you get is discussions about your semantics, cuz they try to fully disregard your opinions, even when you try to go middle ground

I mean, it’s hard to take someone’s opinion into account if you can’t understand what they’re saying :upside_down_face:

For you native speakers: its a very very common thing to confuse if and when

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You mean non-native speakers right

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If you substitute ‘when’ the sentence still doesn’t make much sense

No i mean the native speakers.


For me it makes sense, im confused

I can see a basically sensible interpretation but I have fairly little confidence it’s the intended one

either way, I’m not going to fault Nuclear for asking for clarification when he’s confused about what someone is saying

that just leads to people pretending they understand things when they don’t, and I hope that no one in this conversation wants that