Town of Salem has ISO Now

whats the usual interest

Especially in size of the ISO. It might only be like 40 posts through d3 of a turbo while in a FM it could be 500

imagine how exciting the game will become. it’s now just easy enough to find a person’s posts that you should bother looking for if that guy said a certain thing, but just hard enough that you might fail. i’d argue the info would be just avaliable enough to add a new dimension to the game


Intentionally creating “chaos” by just a frustrating UI design does not seem desirable to me. You can keep the sense of urgency by just having slightly less daytime.

Would you have arbitrarily make the chat box smaller or put several random black lines after every person writes a message in the chat or some other obfuscatory contraption just to create more chaos…?

Not of everyone, but people already do it on specific players. This would just simplify that process and again the timegate can be altered.

Would be the same thing if the timegate would move.

Don’t see how this is related?

There is a lot of enthusiasm for it here though. :thinking:

I’d say it’s easier for a newbie to get something AI or try and find a claim or find what someone specific had said if they could filter for that person…?

If anything, “veterans” would be more comfortable with the current timebox and could afford to spend time to look at past chat without an ISO feature.


Literally my point


chaos strats? now you can say “go look for that thing a guy posted” to distract them, and it will take skill to find prompts to look for that are just plausible enough to give false positives and implications that won’t out you


That’s actually genius

I legit never thought of that

If I look at the last 10 suggestions in #feedback-qol not directly related to this discussion, then (bear in mind that this includes the bot, so you should really be subtracting 1 from both sides):

9 upvotes/4 downvotes
9 upvotes (no #debate tag)
11 upvotes/2 downvotes
9 upvotes/4 downvotes
10 upvotes (no #debate tag)
8 upvotes/2 downvotes
10 upvotes/1 downvote
15 upvotes/3 downvotes
5 upvotes (no #debate tag)
13 upvotes/1 downvote

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people wouldn’t bother looking without ISOs, but it’s just convenient enough that it might work now

This is slightly atypical in that there aren’t any overwhelmingly disliked suggestions in the sample but I don’t think the past couple weeks have been super unusual

You’re wrong and we already talked about this. No need to do it again.

it’s just a QoL improvement that happens to resemble a QoL thing in FM games. that’s it. there’s literally no reason not to add it.


There are in #feedback-balance




I acknowledge that you think you have a better model of people’s preferences than they do but with all due respect I disagree.

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i remember at least one suggestion back on the discord back when I was a guide for ISOs that got a lot of support, so this isn’t a new thing

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Since this is a QoL proposal, I compared it with #feedback-qol submissions, in case people were more likely to pay attention to one channel than the other.

They don’t. I don’t know a single player who said that he did a full ISO on another player during a match
(I did a few times, but only to look for “was the stuff what the guy said toxic enough to warrant a report”)

do you know why people don’t do that
because it’s fucking inconvenient without a filter


We haven’t :thinking: