Town of Salem has ISO Now

Marshal has been forum banned for a week for targeted harassment.

Wtf was this.
I’m heavilly disappointed.

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Isn’t Ness a fictional character or am I misreading the context here

(ness is indeed a fictional character)

and a judge

Ness is a character from Smash

this is a Ness ability

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then who’s the target?

Why do you do stuff like that anyway.

Maybe I am playing Ness as jungle/support and I am ofended.
Who knows?


On the other hand

You think fool is bad

its kind of like (one of) the pretender(s) of smash

everybody hates on ness

although marshal could have expressed it in a more appropriate way but thats a different topic

He is a fictional character yes.

The main protagonist of earthbound :eyes:

Also he has garnered a lot of repulsion within the smash community :upside_down_face:

deserved repulsion, mind you

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I see people still forget about things like the belmonts

belmonts are annoying too but much more one dimensional and weaker overall

also im making a smash thread

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how did this thread go from wanting ISO in ToL to smash

Let’s ban people for offtopic and argueing with moderation now

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-ban Arete

I feel like that if we followed offtopic ban rules… this forum would be pretty much empty

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I know this