Town of Salem has ISO Now

…what BS am I reading right now?
*checks replies*
I don’t even have to read any of orange’s counterarguments to see that this is BS.

  • BD sided + not many will be interested use it? Then why would it even be BD sided in the first place?
  • Evils don’t even have to try? Being evil IS already a privilege! Why else would BD lynch each other if it were not for the evils?
  • Lazy way of social deduction? Do you think that -even if you have the proof- people will listen!? Believe me; they wouldn’t unless you have a damn good tongue, and I don’t have it!
  • Promoting massclaims is a good way to show that evils have to know which role to claim as.
  • Veterans more easier and newbies more difficult? Yep. I love it!

tbh I’m not really a fan of this by virtue of wanting higher skill ceilings for vets not higher skill floors for vets


It’s in both directions. Noone ever tried here to bring arguments which would convince tol players that ISO is good (“your points are invalid and all other social deduction games have it too” isn’t really something which could convince a tol player), and I just tried to explain that this topic was already fully discussed multiple times, not only in the forums, and my list was the result of that. My list is actually not my personal opinions but I think the representative opinions/concerns of the tol players.

:eyes: try to see it from a balancing perspective

You do realize where I come from… right?
There is no “balancing” in my dictionary.

Oh. Wait. You’re not him.
Anyhow, where I come from, everything is chaos since everyone is new to the game.
Logic is underrated and overthrown by gut feeling.

I’m not even sure who you are, so no, I don’t know where you are coming from. I just know I’ve seen you quite sometimes in the forums, but I never interacted with you directly I think.


I’ve said this

But it’s been “If you consider X and Y then you will see that your concern is not applicable” as opposed to “You are wrong. I am right because I think X and Y. Your opinions on how X and Y affect the larger scheme of things are wrong, but I will not further discuss why that is so, because I am right.”

Like look

I have had multiple people for months come to me in DMs and express concern that they feel sad because they feel that you are completely dismissing and marginalizing them. A few of these people have done so continuously.

So when you start talking about how you’re being dismissed, I’m having none of it. I’m not privy to every message you’ve ever sent, but the fact I’ve had multiple people over an extended period of time come to me for support after you made them feel like they don’t matter makes it pretty clear that, intentional or not, you are hurting people through these exact attitudes and actions.

If this is making you feel like you’re being “written off”, then regardless of the strength with which I disagree that is happening whatsoever, all I can say is that maybe it’s worth considering if this is really just a taste of your own medicine.

…say, do you use discord? I somehow remember a Priestess who’d played with me and converted me after making me susp by constantly whispering to me.

only if it’s either PriestessOfLaw or Priestess of Law. I don’t remember you and don’t remember having done this ever. That’s not my style.

Ah… Yep. That’s her. My bad for mistaking you for her.
Still; not adding ISO because those reasons… out of all arguments you have, I really hate the “laying low” argument the most.

…anyhow, it appears that we won’t be coming to an understanding and I am a bad talker, so I will leave the matter up to… whoever is currently against it.

I know that I’m not always very diplomatic against forumers. I do have a grudge against forumers, yes, I try to not show it too much, but it’s true. If I have really hurt anyone, I’m sorry for that, I don’t want anyone to suffer.

If that’s true then I highly encourage taking a few days to think about how, specifically, you can achieve that.

Otherwise it’s all words.

Especially because it’s not really your phrasing, like this implies, but rather the constant insistence that others are wrong with no room for the possibility their thoughts and feelings could have any merit.

That’s way deeper than being more “diplomatic”, and as someone who has had issues communicating with people online in the past, I will highly encourage you to really consider how your words and actions will be taken. Communication is a two-way street.

I know you are capable

And I know you aren’t a bad person by any stretch of the imagination

So I really hope you find the effort to seriously consider addressing this flaw that we both know you have because you have literally told me as much before

You maybe misunderstand me. I’m not interested in being any part of a forum community. I don’t really care about if people here like me or not, I’m pretty neutral about that. My fol mod times are long over, and I refused to get forum powers as part of being judge. I just don’t want to actively hurt anyone.

And you have been failing at that goal.

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Fair enough. That’s my bad.

I have 100% been there and it’s definitely also my own largest weakness, so I won’t hold it against you at all.

Now, where were we?

Oh right

fuq u iso gud

Y do it gotta be like that tho