Town of Salem has ISO Now

Actually I’m on luch break rn

I will play ToS with you literally rn to show you that A iso isn’t broken and B it’s very similar to ToL sans conversion and the theme difference

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The perfect way is:
you find someone socially as suspicious, check him or try to find a way to find inconsistencies in his logs, and then you can kill him (exe him or kill him in the night idc)

there is none?

The core is the same

Most of the differences come from, say, conversion and the King

DM me later, I’ll play with you

Where do I draw the line between social and mechanical info

Is ‘they are a Mystic claim who claims to have linked the player who just flipped Assassin for the past three nights’ a mechanical lead or a social one?
Is ‘they are a Maid claim who started with the D1 alch and claims four straight nights of matches’ a mechanical lead or a social one?
Is ‘they pushed a Knight claim for being NK, but also claimed in their logs to have Wisped the Knight as not attacking’ a mechanical lead or a social one?


There certainly are

Weren’t you arguing that Princess is super weak because it can’t get much?

What about classes like Hunter?

Chronomancer, Physician, Knight, Hunter, Mystic (they get more social info, but not any mechanical info)

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hmu when i’m home in like 7 hours



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Imagine not playing Ranked/Ranked Practice


Basically has to be now, otherwise offer only extends to Priestess

Super busy next few nights

the absolute core is the same yes

but i think between conversion, the king, and a few other things; they’re pretty different

but i also say this with a bias against salem because i don’t much enjoy the game

Lets do it then

Can’t VC or anything (at work on break) but sure

I wouldn’t want to anyways. That’s cheating

Mystic gets a lot of mechanical info tho?
He’s linking people in the night to ask them for their logs
Chrono can literally find people as deathimmune
Physician has Exhume (which is very strong)
Knight has mech info of who got attacked and who not, and he can find people as deathimmune
Hunter is a bit on the weak side of having mech info, but even he can use HM and bleed to find bleedimmunes

@anon97870008 ball’s in your court

Feel free to join

I’ll never play ToS guys, unless you mean Terms of Service

No there are definitely ways to do it without cheating