Town of Salem has ISO Now

You have NEVER played it

The gameplay is AS MECHANICS-BASED if not MORESO



Sure there’s less depth of mechanics but what there is is less fallible and even more abusable

Doesn’t ToS have like a 90 percent town winrate because the mechanics are so townsided

or did they fix that

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But you’ve not even tried ToS? :thinking:

I think ToL is pretty niche, but not that niche, you cannot scratch the same itch in other games/formats. For me, FM games did that.


At high Elo yes town sweeps because mechanics


sorry did you claim outside of the 3 random town slots


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I BG’d mafia N1, he BG’d WW N2

That’s game on Day 3

But Knights don’t exist

Elite Bodyguard

To be clear

It’s getting slightly better every few months

Actually, I’ve never tried ToS either, but it’s free I believe right? Why wouldn’t you just try it out once if you’ve this many hours into ToL and it brought you so much joy? I would definitely try out something similar just for variety tbh. Maybe you’d even end up liking it more.

It’s not free.


It is on the website

Steam version is the one you got to pay 5 bucks for

Afaik both versions aren’t free, but eh, that doesn’t matter too much
I’m not playing a game I don’t want to try, right?

I have played the game multiple times for free on the website all u need is an account. Iirc it’s also free on mobile. Just checked the app store it is

i thought it wasnt free anymore cause it was getting botted to shit but if you had a legacy account you kept it free

Ah that might be it. But it’s still free on the appstore