Town Of Salem Turbo (canned due to low numbers)

id like to say i made an attempt to argue logically at first.
cant say either way for maxi

i am tired of this, @Solic sorry, but we need you help

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Stop, please, you two.

Please, for my sake.

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But importantly, The Whopper :tm: has no ego, cannot be argued with, and most importantly doesnā€™t taste like shit, unlike this conversation.

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no, iā€™m just stubborn

idgaf if you insult me normally but if youā€™re going to continue to be rude and lie to me after being proven wrong then yeah iā€™m going to tell them why in a not so nice manner

please quote them im curious to know when you originally asked these.
like specifically quote them. not copy/paste. because then i can see what it was in response to to know precisely what they are referring to.
i will answer them in the next post if you can do this @MaximusPrime


just look at this delectable burger

  1. whereā€™s your attempt. another post that you provided 0 fucking evidence to try and bring people to your side
  2. answer my fucking questions, or are you too scared to? perhaps there are no logical answers? thatā€™s exactly why i picked them

if you opened with how i was disrespectful this would have ended much earlier, with my apology. now i dont believe you deserve it

iā€™d rather kill myself at this point

no literally the first half of this argument.


if you admitted that you were wrong afterwards i wouldā€™ve forgiven you for being condescending, and even after admitting that you did the wrong things you think that I donā€™t deserve your apology? Iā€™ve already said that I donā€™t want anything unsincere anyway, not that youā€™ve read it or you wouldnā€™t have posted it lmao


answer my fucking questions already. you should have nothing to be afraid of if you have nothing to hide.

i only recently ever figured out that that first post was somehow disrespectful

doop doop

God, this is going back and forth more than games of professional tennis.
Guys, seriously. Stop.

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i beg to see why i should answer your questions first when all youā€™ll do is try to distract me from the fact that youā€™ll never answer mine

you first, bitch

itā€™s been forever and i have no reason to trust you as youā€™ve lied to me so many times already

Donā€™t try to stop a train with one fat man.

I tried, and got ran over for it. :^)

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doop doop doop

ā€¦yeah okay.

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