Town vs Bandits - Possibly Returning! - Woo!

Y’all I just fuckin’ bumped this.

Anyway, would you guys want me to revive this but with fresh classcard that have the same abilities but just with flavor names.

due to FK’s demand up a mile away



It should probably be bumped on a different thread tbh…

It’s not in signups yet.

you can pre-in if you want


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oh yeh, if this is revived I’m blacklisting the following players from instantly inning:

  • Isaac - Recent Drama, I’m sorry man you’re a pretty okay guy it’s just I don’t want any drama in this game.
  • Alice - I doubt you’ll be returning but it’s just in case, once again, the same reason as above.
  • Hjasik - Personally, I just don’t want you ruining this game again.

They can, however, backup.


am i blacklisted from games now?

Just this one,

you were in the beginning anyway lol.

i was?


It’s hard to explain and I’m not in the place to explain, just, I’ll allow you in if you promise not to cause any drama and promise not to be a dick and annoy everyone?


what drama did I even cause

Dude, I legit just said It’s not my place to state

No talking about ongoing games.

This game isn’t even approved,

I bumped it for thoughts

if i caused it can you tell me in discord?

It better not involve talking about ongoing games! :eyes:

/in if there is space.

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