Town vs Bandits - Possibly Returning! - Woo!

And yeah, I will just /spectate again.

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can i spectate

/spectate again as well

/spectate as well

why not

(I take it back, pls let me join)

Reminder that we should all strive to emulate lobster social hierarchies

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I will allow you to spectate, yes.

You not gonna join;(

You not gonna join either Astand?

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We need to ping someone

To be honest, I think I’ll only join crazy role madness games and such on this forum.

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fuck spectator lounge is full


Also if I may ask, what happened that caused the game to re-roll?

me and hjas

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Hjasik and Isaac.

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isaac - meme and spam (doesn’t do anything helpful)

hjas - meme and spam

alice - hjas and isaac idiot for meme

isaac and hjas - meme

hjas - jokes about angleshoot

wazza - me gonna modkill hjas

wazza - hjas make me mad i modkill them

wazza - you knwo what will re roll this hjas won’t be in it! (gives reason)

alice - hjas and isaac spam and idiot no join fm

ici - agree

firekitten - hey noob if you yeet hjas yeet isaac

wazza - isaac and hjas don’t join re roll


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/in @Wazza

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I blame Wazza.

What happened?

Hjas and Isaac reroll cause.

How? Who was the scum?

Me, Ici, Bazboi