Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

Probably 2/0 scum. Not 3.

Bold of you to assume there are any good points to push this early into D1

Take hot:
-1 scum is in the thread

Datbird lurking his ass off
Hit and run shadethrows

I’ve caught scum in 10 posts. It’s weak of you (if town) which I doubt that any post is not enough to cause failure

Can you dumb this down for someone with an intelligence score of 5?

Herp derp any post can out scum

Stop saying there is a limit


Blue’s posts are so consistently terrible and that makes them town discuss

Any post can out scum, yes

But you’re rarely going to find those this early into D1, much less any meaningful interactions that spread from them.

Or at least on this site, where to shitpost is the social norm

Why hello Firekitten. :eyes:

And that is where you are imho wrong. Shitposting is a great way to find scum

Hot take if Blue is scum someone else who posted early is

I’ve learned the strat.
It’s called copying players that are better than you


Nani dafuq???

If their memes are shittier, than they have to be scum

“Shitposting is a great way to find scum, also why are you spamming”

Yes it is. Shitposting can be read and used to evaluate authenticity and build reads.

There is almost always gold in the shit.

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Spamming is not shitposting Blue :wink:

You’re genuinely confusing me now. I don’t get it.