Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

@wazzazza geyde is influencing the game through angleshooty means I demand a zeus to maintain game integrity

He is also reading my pms through moderator privileges to find me as scum

/unvote @Wazza


Accused Voters Count
DatBird htm 1
htm Hjasik 1
Bazingaboy Alice, Possessed, Bluestorm, Mathblade, Bazingaboy, Magnus 6
htm Possessed 2

Currently Being Executed Once Trial Ends: Bazingaboy

stop quickunvoting please.

/vote Basingaboy.

@Thread Crumb was here

Wasn’t sure if Blue was trying to draw a claim hence suspicion Baz is scum

Fair enough. Townie reaction.

why is baz being voted they are fruit

Mainly my moon logic involved Dat and Blue being town meant Blue PR hence couldn’t say.

Lol no they arent

/vote bluestorm

Town post right here

Wtf Isaac I just showed Blue’s crumb. No way Baz is Fruit Vendor

It doesnt even matter if i get lynched blue dies tomorrow go ahead. Geyde and alice just want me dead for styling too hard

Why were you pushing him on a scumblock


He is town. So is bluestorm and datbird.

are you fool

Because I was sorting if he was PR or if he was trying to out a PR. It is also safe as it provides cover as scum don’t shoot scummy generally.

Shit I meant I’m still town and fruit vendor

Also can you explain this math?