Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

That was if Blue was scum he was townspewinf Ici sorry brb

I suggest we lynch someone in the next Ive minutes.

how about no

Very big brained play right here

/vote geyde

Big ass wall of WIFOM
He goes into it knowing he’s going to be CC’d

Alright y’all

I just made Day 1’s execution a hella lot more brutal.

What’s the execution? A Mori?

Accused Voters Count
DatBird htm 1
htm Hjasik 1
Bazingaboy Alice, Possessed, Bluestorm, Mathblade, Magnus 5
Bluestorm Isaac 1
Geyde Bazingaboy 1

Currently Being Executed Once Trial Ends: Bazingaboy

You are the black sky
always running from the sun.

Paralyzed, I dug a well deep inside.
I kissed the tide,
you held the moon
and carried the stars
like life was a memory
and death just a possibility.
You are the black sky
always running from the sun.
You’re always running from the sun.

This goes out to all my scum bros

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are you surrendering

Nah dude totally town here Im glad you can see that

Confirms he’s evil or fool. Or jester, or whatever’s.

ok good i keep my vote on bluestorm

Well are you happy geyde that you got revenge on me, you jerk. You were gonna lynch me no matter what. I’m tired of being persecuted

I’m icarus and the entire forum is the sun

@jailkeeper jail me im vanilla townie

Okay, it’s time I go to bed.

If you unvote/vote a new player. PING me. If a player votes and they don’t ping me, tell them to ping me or ping me for them.

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/vote htm @Wazza