Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling


Do you want to get good at FM


Kind of like using Isaac’s LHF status as a springboard for a mislynch.

Yep. I call a BazingaBoy/DatBird/Magnus wolfteam.

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Let’s be real the only raeson I am voted is because yall are mad about last game, it’s okay I’d be mad too

Why would I lynch my team?

Despite SRing Baz, Dat doesn’t have their vote on them.

I dont even look at my scumteams names btw so youre all just wasting time


We kind of already got Dat by now. So we just need to be absolutely certain that Magnus is the third wolf and then we’re gucci.

My heart is saying Magnus isn’t scum since they actually found a way to post

Well shit he wanted two villas hung and didn’t understand how reaction tests worked.

gg wolves

screwed over by the rand

Great scumreading guys :clown_face:

Since Baz is undoubtedly getting hung today, I guess it damns me as scum no matter what since they TOWNREAD ME and I was against being putting on a team with them since they townread me. I would say jail me to prove me but that still means that the scum could just still kill because 1 Im not one of them, and 2 its a factional kill so any of them can do it. Realistically a tracker wouldn’t work either since 1 im not going anywhere tonight, and 2 even if I was scum, I could easily be the Ninja and you wont see it unless Baz flips that, which I dont know if he will.

All I ask is if you die or anyone dies tonight write logs, and make sure that if you do die you not only write who can be on the Baz/Dat/??? team, but also a team without me since I wont flip scum and as your a great player I hope you think of more than one possible option even if Ockhams razor says its Dat 100% of the time. I just cant seem to convince yall at this point, and I have no other options. Please at least consider it, do me a solid.

/vote Baz

You avoided voting them when you scumread them earlier.
That’s really the deciding tell here.

sure, I couldnt have thought blue was more scummy at the time, and then when the CC came out I unvoted, but no I cant have other opinions, Im sorry.

Just please consider a scum team without me Im begging at this point

have you guys solved this game yet



rip so you have solved

Baz did shade Math, though.

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