Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

Mayor isnt in fol And I am not trolling

Yes you are. Stop trolling as there is no mayor in this setup and let me read htm.

Read setup again there is mayor

No there isn’t.

Thats false quote

So Hjasik is scum or antitown af to the point of almost gamethrowing. Time to ignore Hjasik.

Good point, it could have been a buss attempt… though I do doubt it.

he also pointed attention to Cupcake too, now that I notice.

: (

And What do you think of that

Yeah. Mainly scum have reasons for doing things and I don’t see Baz scum doing that with Magnus or Cupcake after the epic fail that was the Magnus gladiate last time.

I t h i n k math is w o l f

Cupcake is definitely suspicious imo, but I don’t really know after I saw Baz’s quote.

Maybe he was just trying to make a scum less suspicious or maybe not?

Baz Alice Geyde? Could that be a thing? I think that breaks the bussing rule for VCA but the claim of fruit vendor so damn early doesn’t make sense unless an intentional bus happened but why? Something seems wrong here

This is too easy

Htm is town.


Because htm is posting and showing in depth analysis he tends not to do as scum.

Didnt know double-edged sword is towntell

The only other thing I can think of is Baz Alice Hjasik but Hjasik doesn’t feel like scum in my gut.

Where did you see in Depth analysis there

Specifically here.

Htm states what he was thinking.
Step two states what made him question that thought.

Step three tries to rationalize it with current thoughts and see where it fits. In depth analysis.