Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling


He was in anti spew


Thats What I am getting at

That is a valid reason, but he would have gotten killed almost immediately after.

I’m not sure if scum would sacrifice themselves to get 1 PR out of the picture

He was already getting lynched

He thought he would get lynched

The votes could have easily changed though.

So do you agree that math shouldnt be in townblock now

So he panicked and claimed PR?

When did I say he panicked

He shouldn’t

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You didn’t but you did say he “thought he was going to get lynched”

Which is a fair reason for him to panic imo

cupcake was immune to my kill

fuck wrong chat

jk im memeing

Lul at attacking cupcake
Also lul in townslip

He decided that he most likely wont get away from lynch And should get PR outed with him I think it was carefully made decision judging by What he said after being locked

yea ik stupid right that means im memeing