Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

N1 death awaits me. I will see you gentlefolk in Valhalla.

What posts did he like proof


Sorry IRL shit is happening atm, I did check in like 15 min ago and liked some posts. I’m sorry for the confusion. I should be back on in within the hour

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Just woke up, what happened basically? (too lazy to read)

also /confirm

This is why you read messages people!

For Future Hosts: This is why you put “D1 Start” or other events in your OP!

I guess you are implying that I’m the only wolf since you would later not only vote me but not vote anyone else. I guess in your eyes this makes sense since as it seems no one is opposed to voting me and overall everyone thinks I’m scum

Also for context’s sake this is when I had to go for IRL stuff

Now, this is more interesting because it’s every other answer but 1 seemingly like you either have another complete opinion or just are trying to say that Geyde is wrong no matter what.

Yeah, this is the post I liked I was trying to catch up while also dealing with stuff, it made me seem like lurking, which has been a huge way to scumread me before so I understand why this will be brought up later.

Now, this is the answer on to why the 2/3/0 remark, and honestly based on this, Maths looking for opportunistic scum while also looking at interactions seeing who is and who isn’t melding together. I will use this when I read Math down a bit.

Im sorry for not being around during this bit and if I threw shade I apologize also

You townread Blue for being terrible, but not me for being shitty. Maybe we have different definitions for shitty and terrible but to me they mean the same thing.

Then why did you unvote?

@Emilia can you answer Maths question?

Hi Possesed what do you think of the current situation

I did

Who’s ready for a W O L F Y P O P I N ?

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I’m not sure why I posted that because I have to go in about 2 minutes and won’t be able to post anything more solid than “Geyde’s village yo I have meta on him etc. etc. etc.”

Still, I suppose I have to post something useful before tommrow.

sorry, lul.


Wavering in read

Either case my brain is saying Dat/Blue are both Town and I should be voting Math

Dont trust it

Like Math is pushing Me/Blue/Hja for poor reasons, and there are cracks that he has completely ignored.

Microread blue
I addressed his point on me with quotes
Hja is the one I’m iffy on

He pushes me in every game I am town wich proves My aligment here

Is it too late for me to mindmeld this post?

This post reads to me as “shit I don’t have anything to say that further’s my agenda better post a shadethrow on Math”. I’m thinking I might just be reading too much into it as usual but the tone is really really awkward, especially with where it’s positioned in the thread.

@Icibalus probably read Dat at some point?

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How is it that everyone pay attention to that post when I have identical post just before it

Because you post posts like that all the time as both allignments, wheras it’s a notable occasion when it comes to DatBird.

Because it’s more in character for you and doesn’t have the same problems