Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

Bazinga is a close 4th.

For town

Reasoning for this?

I usually expect Village!Baz to be pushy and tinfoil-y. He’s not doing either as of now.

Because scum!Baz is more spammy than he is right now. And he is questioning the validity of a list which is pushy.

I disagree with your first point as he is kind of spammy regardless of alignment.

The second point makes sense, but I wouldn’t put him as a TR just for that post alone.

Okay then who would you?

If you’re asking for my reads, I’m strongly TRing Poss and Hja for the reasons above, and Isaac as spammy on-topic Isaac is typically village Isaac, at the moment.

Icibalus is leaning town for the moment as well as his tone feels relatively unaware of himself to be a wolf.

I’m still trying to sort you and Geyde for now, though.

For scum leans I’d say Bird and Cupcake are there for their entrances.

HTM… I’d probably want to see more posts from him before doing anything.

My SRs are Blue as well alongside Baz to an extent.

Rn I’m going with Blue, though.

/vote BlueStorm

I don’t like how much you’re agreeing with me. Literally the only read we have in polar opposites seems to be Baz. This doesn’t jive with me. Why do you think we have so many reads in overlap?

Correction Baz and Hjasik

Good morning, everybody.

Morning for you. Got some hot takes?

The only thing we agree on is Ici, Poss, Isaac, Bird, and Blue.

Isaac has a very strong meta to the point that he’s easy to SR were he a wolf.

Ici’s entrance was relatively towny.

Blue’s entrance for me wasn’t that bad, but his reaction to your push was just downright horrible. Same thing with Bird, though his reaction wasn’t as bad.

Poss being a very new player makes him stupidly easy to read as well, so I don’t think anyone would SR him.

A really irrational gut wolfread on Alice, which is immediately contradicted by… everything they’ve posted?

I’m guessing this is an instance of me wanting alice to be wolf so I can be right about something impressive. We’ll see for later.

I don’t see how Alice contradicts that scumread. Talk me through why you townread her. Right now I see way too much agreement not enough force.

Town post

  1. Alice’s meta as wolf is pure force of personality.
  2. Alice’s meta as village is to be friendly with everybody, actually. I’ve not seen her go guns blazing into a push for a very very long time as village.

Basically, you’ve got her meta completely the wrong way around.

She was very very gung-ho last I remember when her reads were hella wrong and Kitten was scum. I don’t remember the game but it had Sam and she wouldn’t let me push him and got all “No not gonna happen”

I remember her being more forceful

Ninjas and Guns?

Yeah… that game completely shot my confidence and now I’m more careful about my reads.