Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

Mathematically, it’s wolfsided, but I agree that it’s realistically 55/45 wolf/village here.

I’m for advertising this off site.
2v9 Mountainous should be last resort.

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What about 12v3

We need a lot more people to pull that

12v3 is the closest Mountainous will ever get to being 50/50 balanced.

12v4 Mountainous Poison

Mountainous Arson. The time is now.

Why cant We run just full mountainous without Any abilities

Praise Marson

Regular mountainous has some balance problems when doing anything outside of 12v3
Other versions of Mountainous just change the kill method

/join if possible


2 more players to join and then we can start this instantly.


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Gib town a strong willed omnimiller

fucking end me

I know I’m gonna regretti this


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Game Will Start Rolling. Classes will be sent out at 2019-05-04T14:30:00Z at the earliest.

Classes are now being sent out.

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All classes have been sent out! Please confirm if you received them in your classcard.

With that, Day 1 begins and will end at 2019-05-04T19:00:00Z

Yes I am aware a 4 hour day 1 sucks but, ya know, life sucks.

Jester is not in class list wtf