Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

I wouldn’t count it as a victory yet

Baz could be trying to stop us from gamesolving.

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That’s a valid point.

This does lend credence to the panicked theory either way.

Either scum conceded and we win
Or Baz wanted to make sure the gamestate ended as it was.

Not many people were voting around that time, though. Most of them are TRs or PR claims, so the only ones that did cast a vote that could be a wolf mate for Baz are Bird and HTM.

Assuming panicked claim Dat and Ici would be my top guesses.

W o l f b l a d e

Tinfoiling Math because reasons
Sheeping Hja is a viable strategy despite evidence to contrary :^)

My girlfriend and I broke up because of Kanye’s meeting with Trump.

We got in a huge fight over it because I was saying how it was good that Kanye was bringing up issues important to him to the president. The fight eventually spilled into other topics and it got really heated. In the heat of the moment I called her a “**** ***”, and it was a wrap.

We dated for two years and were thinking about moving in together. At the time I thought she was the love of my life. And it ended over Kanye.

And since all of my friends were also her friends, and she was closer friends with them than I was, they took her side. So I lost all my friends too.

My best friend called me a few hours after the argument and said he didn’t want to hang out with me anymore because it would cause drama.

The only people I’ve talked to in like a week are my parents.

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You did talk to us though…

70% sure math is scum

Wow town post right here

This is gonna be one of those games huh Hjasik?

Hjasik scum reads me. Water is wet.

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Wet is water

Eh, I don’t think so. Baz isn’t the kind of player to bus and he doesn’t distance a lot, so his earlier votes on Math spew him as a potential town candidate.

Baz tried to lynch Math, and we know that most TLs that weren’t lynchable at that time were town.

Fairly simple because VCA and Baz not being voted at that point.

The wagon came from left field

Have you read My case

Every game I’ve had with you recently you put me on a scumblock d1 :^)

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Yes, I just think it’s misplaying on Math’s part. I don’t think it’s that likely Math is a wolf over his interactions with Baz.


Here’s what Peterson said: “That is so untrue that it’s almost unbelievable. I use the lobster as an example: We diverged from lobsters’ evolutionary history about 350 million years ago. And lobsters exist in hierarchies. They have a nervous system attuned to the hierarchy. And that nervous system runs on serotonin just like ours. The nervous system of the lobster and the human being is so similar that anti-depressants work on lobsters. And it’s part of my attempt to demonstrate that the idea of hierarchy has absolutely nothing to do with sociocultural construction, which it doesn’t.”