Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

Posts have zero contribution in them

They have?

Chaos 2
Tried to look as scummy as possible

Yeah I “vigged” them as scum to kill as many as possible

I am going to bring attention to the fact that both the host and geyde are using their authority status to influence the outcome of this game. This is unacceptable and unethical. I also have contacted the admins to see if the logs show that geyde accessed my PMs to see my scum status (thjere is no other way I could have been caught)

Err… I started the push on you.

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lul wut


Wtf. Don’t you dare accuse a mod of cheating without proof. I admittedly fucked up the game Geyde was in but any issues I had there were private. Geyde does not cheat like that.

This is a serious thing.

If you say you are going to try to do something that would cause crashes, I’m obliged to stop that from happening.

I am warning you in thread about this, probably not that great of an idea.


The admins have denied Geyde’s involvement so I am booking a flight to taiwan to directly access their servers to verify

So you’re trolling.

That’s disgusting.

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Oh wait it’s something else.

What’s disgusting is this MISCARRIAGE of JUSTICE


This is the only good thing I have saved on my phone : (

Sad thing is it’s a terribad troll. Like it’s not even good.

At least do an ip check through nslookup and position coordinator to get the country. Very unlikely to be Taiwan. Like dude… :confused:

gg wolves

We can’t mechanically lose

…are they seriously conceding?

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Has cup ever been scum, if so what did he do?

Explain how so?