Passive - Occupy and Redirect immune
Day Ability(1) - Detain, prevent a player from using there day abilities, also voting cannot target king. You’ll learn if they have any day abilities (2 uses)
Day ability(2) - Vote swap, make someone’s vote reverse (2 uses)
Night ability(1) - False feedback, give someone a false message, you will learn what feedback they where going to get. (Infinite)
Night ability(2) - Disguise, make some appear as a class for the night when Investigating, you will learn there true feedback. [Aka if a sheriff finds them as evil, you’ll learn that they are evil even if you used a Bd player as a disguise] (Infinite)
Goal: Defeat the Blue dragon.
Change Log
-Added Class info
1.1 Changes
-Detain, made into a limited use day ability also prevents the user from voting.
-Removed the false Noble twin.
-Added Disguise
-False message renamed to false feedback, also Infinite uses
1.0 Version
Passive - Occupy and Redirect immune
Day ability(1) - Fasle Vote, Make it look like a Noble/Aristro twin voted (2 uses)
Day ability(2) - Vote swap, make someone’s vote reverse (2 uses)
Night ability(1) - False message give someone a false message, you will learn what feedback they where going to get. (4 uses)
Night ability(2) - Detain, prevent a player from using there day abilities for the next day, cannot target king, you’ll learn if they have none. (Infinite)
Goal: Defeat the Blue dragon
Healed by physician/Alchemist
Forced to target
Death was delayed
Don’t think there are any others correct me if I’m wrong.
If you get a prevented message it won’t effect investigates they will still get results, if you get “forced” you will think you targeted that player.
Class info:
The Trickster is a “Social” Neutral Class.
The Trickster must see Blue Dragon lose, letting them side with the Unseen/Cult or Neutrals, making them a great ally for both alike.
The Trickster can Create false Information and mess around with the votes to cause chaos also preventing day actions, they can make players appear evil or to appear good, also can learn information in rare situations using false feedback or disguise to help find there allies or other information.