[Turbo] Blue's Damn GI Turbo D5 (The Mastermeme, The Robber, and Meathead win)

you told me not to hrad claim noob

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sntrat the game reee omg starft oit unjtanbewsrt hic hcciity hic hic

I made a GI Quality thread
felt the old one was getting too cluttered btw

added to the mega noob list trying to kill me

ya, the person can become the class of the 666th poster and win

If itā€™s a bad neutral that punishes people I donā€™t like a witch hunt so make it 550


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Rolefishing doesnā€™t work

well it dependā€™s on them


Publically sheeping Person first to ping me when the game starts

Hang on Iā€™ll find the scum

Itā€™s @discobot roll 1d14

ping me so we both find them together

Good go on

guys this is gettilng annoying, if thtere is on king, let me mget king so i goet rid of vthis stupid post restriction!":lzĀ£)$(hj$q

Wtf is that

@discobot roll 1d14

But all you need to do is copy paste

:game_die: 14


Please step up in your classcards for the King Election!

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