[Turbo] Blue's Damn GI Turbo D5 (The Mastermeme, The Robber, and Meathead win)

In hell

Eevee already did it tho

why smelly

best to be safe

Another tie

why would we need to be safe against friendly litizens

I have a post restriction of ten a day so I have to choose my messages carefully, voting and stepping took a post. Also voted for you eevee, didnt know u were gonna step

6 posts left

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ok i get the message then :slight_smile:

Ok, fair enough.

It’s about you, not Eevee, bucko

All hail King eevee!

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Eevee just claimed they’re masons

Eevee what r u commands

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Also immediately stop talk as a flip is incoming.

It’s fake message I guess


Simon has died, they were:


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Who we dropping eevee


Simon why not reveal yourself beforehand