[Turbo] Blue's Damn GI Turbo D5 (The Mastermeme, The Robber, and Meathead win)

jeez vote marg

I’m not?

It was annoying having to do the same action over and over

yes are u dumb ur with me

There was no host moderror to veto in the first place.

Thats false

I’m pretty sure someone would know if they were converted

sure marg just trying to live. that’s my neutral

I’m so confused

vote marg livi… marg is trying to live rn

i think its me and u vs marg and squid


Look at your classcard, specifically your wincon

Also Kings that drop dead in court have to wait until the next day for someone to take their place.

if yo ucan shoot a arrow shoot at marg

im here also

Well okay
/vote Isaac

yea you were d1 convert lol




That is bullshit

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we won already vote marg

I shoot an arrow at the first accuser

it doesn’t work like this