[Turbo] Blue's Damn GI Turbo D5 (The Mastermeme, The Robber, and Meathead win)

but nks can’t win with eachother

remember that game where psycho had us all nk

nvm im stupid

that was specifically with different win conditions

Yeah, that was a Psycho game which was intentionally set up like that though.

Here in GI, things just happen.

yea i just realized that

welp it was still a epic game for me lol

I mean eevee, what’s done is done. I’m not allowing silencing classes in any more of my GI’s so this wouldn’t happen again under my watch.

I dislike that person doing nothing won, when I actualy did a lot of work here to maintain myself in control of game.


See above.

No, it’s just disapointing.

I made real effort here and was moderror killed.

Why should I ever again care in a game then?

That’s my point.

And it happens nearly each time I plai GI.

Let it go, eevee.

I’m trying to be reasonable here.


I had my bypass immunities on you too
So if you survived, I had you ready to die

I’m not trying to be reasonable anymore.

I mean… you know that modkiller who DISGUISED kills as modkills was able to kill immune class, even tho he only DISGUISED his kills.

It’s not first time something wich shouldn’t happen happens and I’m dead in GI.

Same outcome man

Wait, that meant you performed two day actions

R e a d

Reading is for nerds

Totally isnt lying to defend bluestorm

Dayvig can’t kill immune classes?