[Turbo] Blue's Damn GI Turbo D5 (The Mastermeme, The Robber, and Meathead win)


Dice roll?

fme please we’re friends hic

you didn’t ping me :frowning:


It was deduction

We wait and see. also I cant speak much thats why I need you

see my post about taking it from my cold dead hands (back when we had 11 and i was middle)

@DatBird dad

@DatBird can I be frewns with Wazza?

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Very nice deduction then

Just too good for most players to understand

But there is no way you deduce the law

Like this if it’s a yes

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yes please hic let us bde frieqnds hic


I know your rolecard, I can win with you. Let’s work together.

Your first ability starts with D.


I am the law

Okay let be frewns



Image result for i am the law vghs