[Turbo] Blue's Damn GI Turbo D5 (The Mastermeme, The Robber, and Meathead win)

I mean, his post restriction screams I am drunk


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Wait I thought geyde said he was claimvig

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What the hell just happened?

@DatBird I need to sheep you HELP

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Everyone, Out your King votes rn!

Voted Gamer

vote gpaemroke guys

/Vote Wazza

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vote gamer

i voted no one

Because im lazy

Voted Waz

I voted Wazza
We need to make a chart on who voted who

Wazza is scum

Dat said it

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uhh fi ihtnk you are stupid or something

dat sawid ato vote for me orf kign…

no I’m sheeping dat

If you have a problem with my vote talk to dat

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/vote wazza

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Wazza, you’re literally blaming me of having RB and saying scum voted for me lol

@eevee let’s go :slight_smile: