Turbo Cop 9 - I took it back over r - (4/9)

waits for 7 more players




“A statistical anomaly does not prove wrongdoing. Delma Kinney, a fifty-year-old Atlanta man, won $1 million in an instant lottery in 2008 and then another $1 million in an instant game in 2011. The probability of that happening to the same person is somewhere in the range of 1 in 25 trillion.”

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hey thats a nice meme

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@Geyde I wanted to host this but ok. you should just stay in my one.


ok now we need 5 more players.

y’all got 5 people who you can invite.

I have 5 alts

but don’t remember passwords



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Also isn’t a serious offense

Apparently it was fine to rig a fol before

Ill find the topic eventually

anyone want to take over? I’m going bed.

I could take over tonight
But I don’t think it will get the necessary players in time

“Rigging” a roll to specific class distribution is a lot different from assigning players a role not randomly.

One is “rigging” a class distribution, the other is rigging a class-player distribution.

I disagree with both as spawning rules should just be adjusted over having the host cherrypick their balance as a solution. Otherwise hosts are facilitating angleshooting and players that know them well can infer things like (in the previous incarnation), 3 scum-sided neuts have flipped, so king must be good king. That is very undesirable.

The second scenario is just being a bastard host while not announcing it.


Guess that’s fair


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cop 10

Gamer joim

will you get mad if I join