[Turbo] Cop9 - Game Over (mafia wins)


We’re so close
come on
who else is left

@Solic I see you, we’re so close, if you have time could you please join?

What’s the meta for if you’re cop and get a redcheck? Do you out it immediately, or do you fake a green on someone and hardpush your check?

There isn’t really a meta on it, it most depends on what that person’s position is and how many valuable clears you have. If you have green peeks on fairly consensus v players, probably worth keeping it back and… doing what you said, but if there’s a lot of value to be gained from you being confirmed seer, definitely do it.

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Well we have 50 minutes to find another two players. Should be possible :wink:

Hardclaiming cop d1 with a redcheck is probably the most optimal strategy.

It allows town 2 mislynches before LYLO.
That’s a good strategy.

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Do it! Please :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it’s not, because you can’t get a redpeek d1, but I appreciate the sentiment.

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Oh, and you also have a N0 greencheck to give.

Does it start on Day 1 or Night 0?
Do they get a kill Night 0?

It starts on D1 because mafia getting a kill before you get to play the game is… silly.

There is a lynch day one, correct?

what kind of setup dosen’t have a d1 lynch :^)


Is no-lynch an option?

it is if you’re a FEEBLE WEAK-WILLED WIMP (joke)

So basically dont say anything And no lunch And D3 Let cop out results

Day one should be a no-lynch to avoid cop being lynched or N0 check being lynched, to be honest.

The game starts D1. The cop will start with a random greencheck on a towny (aka n0 greencheck). No majority, only plurality.


There’s a thing called Cop Cover that exists to prevent that.