[Turbo] Doki Doki Turbo - Canned

Currently the start time is listed for 23:00 UTC on February 19th. I cannot do between 23:00 and 0:00 as I have therapy during that hour.

A.K.A. the hour 5-6 P.M. U.S. CST

6-7 I thought? What about delaying it an hour maybe?

Currently the time he has listed is 5-6 P.M. CST a.k.a. 6-7 P.M. EST
I could do starting at 6 P.M. CST. Not sure if others are available to move the game back an hour.

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Can’t we do the same time as today?

Today’s game started at 5:15 P.M. CST. I have therapy from 5 to 6 P.M. CST tomorrow so that doesn’t work for me.

Well, maybe we could do next game now.

Pretty sure most people are asleep now. But I can do anytime between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. CST, and between 6 and 11 P.M. CST.

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Right now it’s 6:00 to me, not sure about others.

Should I try and make it 12:00am? (an hour delayed)

It will give me time to make the classes better and others.


Time is starting an hour later.


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I can do that.




Can I do it a little later?

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Wazza takes 15 mins+ to give out classes anyways


He’s right. I do.


Also during class give out you can still join

Official sign up deadline is moment day 1 starts

Which would increase the time it takes to pass out cards also :wink:

Also feel free to join. Game will most likely fully begin 30 mins after the time says.

Pre-Game, Confirmation, my slow ass sending out classes.

@eevee can you bump up the trust level of @DirectorHail to Member?