[Turbo] GI Turbo version 2.0: The Unseen, Mafia, Weaver, and Aetherborn are victorious!


No you dummy


im 10/10 role
cant be beat

Are there any claimvigs in GI thread yet I cba to check

I’m disapointed in my role

Please vote me to be King. My class is terrible as it is now and I can’t afford to stay the same


Well don’t cry tonight

No me no me

I’m Laura Lee, I’ll happily be King.

lets agree to not elect a king

If I’m not King, innocent people will die

Vote sulit for king I’ll give cookies :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

we are an anarcho syndicalist commune


I’m the cat girl version of maid

I wish I was joking :frowning:

Meow owo rawr

Can we just talk about how if Laura Lee is converted into Laura LeeCH it’d be really bad?