[Turbo] Grand Idea, but it's hosted by Wazza - Game Over, Margaret Wins!

…. WHAT?! What the fuck happened?!

back on to the real game noobs

Hjasik class got rolled

I deleted everyone’s wincon

Get back onto the game. Games not over yet.

see told you noobs listen to your leader next time

Wazza, do not roll Hjasik classes, they’re trash

is there even a class that can fake host messages
brb I’ll be making it


That troll

Anything is allowed in this game.

the ethereal mage did it.

What the hell, Wazza, is this an error or you just decided to distract everyone as host?

@MaximusPrime get back here

Hold up, we’re fixing everything.

ok guys lets make sure hjas doesn’t win /vote hjas

wazza don’t joke as host in grand idea

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I need to catch up, I’m not good at this, remember it’s my first time.

/vote Hjasik

The only solution

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This is just sad

we secretly need to vote hijas or all of our wincons will be erased