[Turbo] Grand Idea - Game ended

Vote someone then.

I want it!

You vote with town. So share your opinions and or reads

/vote Gamer

Lets look into the BD drops.

I dropped drunk for a better bd class

Ay matey

What did the Bastermind do?

/vote Sam You’re being LAMIST then.

You corpirate?

Let me think about it first



Sam17z I BlueStorm, Solic I 2

GamerPoke/Margaret I Geyde I 1

Someone give me a riddle

To be faur someone could have gotten doubke scum choices or someone could have got scum or bd (maybe neut)


/unvote fine Squid.

Y’all should vote Sam

There’s no way in hell he drops this class considering about 90% of drunks basically confirm you as town

You did ask first.

@Gamerpoke / @Margaret has been revealed as a member of the Mafia

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