[Turbo] Grand Idea - The FBI, The vanilla god and the Haven't we Broken the Rules? win!

Doesn’t that mean that you should listen to me? :upside_down_face:

No infact that makes me 20% more likely to not listen to you

iceToday at 4:45 PM

hi can i be mod for fol

i am great mod don’t worry im so good


don’t make me add you to the noob list

your name is not hard to write

ok this is all im gonna say

/in if not too late

can’t be that active tho

if I get roasted I blame firekitten

Doing something like that at a time like this is really not wise. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

i am good at mod though

how do u even appeal I just private messaged him

i agree, isaac would make best mod

Btw, Maxi, it was not too late for you or for FK to join.


Anywho, classes are being sent out.

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Aren’t you rolling 24 minutes ago? :thinking: I’d have to out if it takes much longer. :confused:

Oh cheers.

Yeh, took a while because I did the pro way of copying classes.

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Same tbh





/confiarms HIC XDDX