[Turbo] Grand Idea Turbo = madness | Blue Dragon (Solic, Geyde, Reaper, DatBird) wins!

My class was sooooo busted. I had fun scrolling through the BD classes to see what the most OP thing is that I could think of.

You could choose things from ANY FM

You canā€™t make a prince, right?


Take the OW FM d.va ult.


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If nothing else, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m known for being the WWE guy in the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

he can do a neighbourizer prince who heals everyone at the neighbourhood

I couldnā€™t die within the timespawn of this game through conventional methods. Could Revive and track+watch. alongside a doublevote.

Iā€™m glad I got a posting restriction of some sort :^)

I didnā€™t have time. :confused: I didnā€™t want to keep everyone waiting.

The game was 4 BD vs 4 NK-aligned boys


Howā€™s an 18-player non-turbo of this sound?


Iā€™ll prein that

I still believe my plan was perfect if Marg didnā€™t exe Blue


will it get players though

I would love that

I couldnā€™t pick Prince, but Prince is not really so powerful compared to a revive and a track+watch Iā€™d say.

The 25er did

I lowered it because fucking 25ers, amirite

Blue, you would need to talk to Marl or an FoL team member about that.

18 player FoL-esqe games fill easily

Meme games fill REALLY easily

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