Yes, but you’re “lawyering” against me. Can’t have that.
OBJECTION YOUR HONOR, there squire does count as being immune to an attack
I didnt kill your contract
That was MY contract
Who happened to be also mine contract.
It wasn’t evil majority with my doublevote and resurrection though.
Geyde also had royal blood, so you couldn’t outvote that.
I was eevee’s contract with a Mason chat with them.
Marg was royal-blooded as well
It would have been Anarchy if Squid voted marg
I had royal blood as well
and if i became king, I wouldve been fullblown BD sad days
Technically shouldn’t the fol team be able to decide this
it’s directly off the squire card, and pretty sure it counts as immunity
And you were NK
I had to get the NK to win
I’m thinking of giving Smash faction a way to nk more consistently
I don’t know why I’m arguing so hard when I was just watching it
Not really, the host has authority here, since Giant is an unofficial class.
As you see, Turbos are mostly out of mod domain.
They don’t directly control them as much
blue was probably going to be killed anyway for being obvious scum yes this helps my client by saying it
btw can king guard himself
They should be able to
Yes, they can.
I mean, it was 4 vs 4 at votes at day 2.
Sad times.
I traded 2 votes for 1 vote + blocked one lynch.
One revive is still 1 for 1 trade @Solic and a lynch wasted, so if a kill happened you would be in disadvantage.
It’s all on that one jail, really.
god thx it didn’t affect anything