let me finish my damn flavor you impatient bruised banana’s
Or as he would call it. You’re all noobs!
Mercenary has been lynched! They were:
# Night 1 has begun and will end in 7 mins at the nearest hour.Isaac Gonzalez
Blue Dragon KillerNo U (Day): - All abilities affecting you tonight will affect the person targeting you (3 uses)
Noob List (Night): Add a Player to the Noob List (infinite uses)
Pro List (Night): Add a Player to the Pro List. When you use No U they also have No U activated on themselves. If you use it on a player who rolled slot 24 or (future GamerPoke slot) they will also be death immune that night. (2 uses)
Noob (Night): The Host will publicly announce the Noob List killing any players on it. (1 use)Standard BD Wincon.
Night has ended lol
Yeah! I’m alive or well!
nobody died eh
i feel like the scumfaction is cult-like where it can only kill or convert
or someone saved somebody
oi, I’ve not started day yet.
Day 2 has started and nobody died.
note to self: i hate wazzaazza
I am waiting for something, one second
Okay, now that’s a bit weird
ive been pranked TWICE now
self-resolving Desperado
this is me
look this up in the GI thread to get my classcard
And Wazza, can you update the OP?
/vote magnus
i soulread this w
Magnus is town
He might be NK actually
/vote Magnus
Die, other scum!
Where’s the spicy tea?