[TURBO MISC] Trust and Deception - SIGNUPS


Disable dodge but increase everyone HP

Well, say this happens;
Hail - Attack Magnus (not great because unspecified)
Magnus - Fend off Attack and counter

I would fend the attack off.

enable dodge for first attack of combat?

because the thing is attack predicting

As I said.

You either disable it or make it stats based otherwise it’s unbalance
Another solution is to makes it RNG

That could work, you waste your AP and other player either dodge (Waste AP) or take damage

perhaps, to make it efficient, dodge weakens you the turn after if you do not successfully use it

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We definitely don’t want everyone to do nothing but dodge

Maybe have stamina system?

Also just ONE more person please.
(Since Simon has basically inned)


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What’s the odds


1/5 chance of death.