[TURBO MISC] Trust and Deception - SIGNUPS

@discobot roll 1d6

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:game_die: 5


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@discobot roll 1d6

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Ehhh it’s not working /out


Was mainly in it for the car lol. Plus idk how busy I’m gonna be tomorrow

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By winning a car, I mean for further miscs, not…, irl…

Statistics -

LV HP Strength EXP
1 20 10 0
2 24 12 10
3 28 14 30
4 32 16 60
5 36 18 100
6 40 20 150
LV HP Strength EXP to next LV
1 20 10 10
2 24 12 20
3 28 14 30
4 32 16 40
5 36 18 50
6 40 20 N/A

honestly either of these tables would look loads better than what you have up there.
like, the biggest thing is that you dont need units on each entry, they’re separated by column for a reason

in my opinion that is

I don’t know how you change it really.

I already /inned

@eevee (again)
@Simon (i’m sorry)


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Can I know why you changed your name please?

Cause now my nickname is as bad as me myself.

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That sucks.

Someone theoretically could snipe the eevee profile name now while his name is different

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