get over here scum
Hey guys! I’m the Village Idiot and I swapped everyone’s cards one up! If you were a wolf, out who would have gotten your card!
What would you say if I told you Squid is you?
First things first we massclaim. I think the order should go:
Village Idiot.
Other thoughts on claim order?
I’m confused on your sentence
I wish you could have said that sooner, but then again, outing myself early was part of my foolproof plan
Dude you’re supposed to claim last so investigatives and stuff are more compelled to tell the truth.
C’mon it’s not hard to read what I mean.
How the hell am I supposed to know that?! I’ve never played this game before
Nono it’s not your fault it’s the universe’s.
@Kirefitten Would it help you to know that Squid is now you as well?
Not sure how to read Squid atm.
Either way, former wolves better out who would have gotten their card so we can easily win this
At this point probably seer/revealer claim and then witch/robber/troublemaker go later so people tell the truth still.
Nope, not if your action wouldn’t have worked.
Which it wouldn’t have.
who goes first in the order of operations
village idiot or troublemaker[quote=“BlueStorm, post:52, topic:74599, full:true”]
@Firekitten Would it help you to know that Squid is now you as well?
not really
Troublemaker does.
Squid - 1 - FK
Nuclear - 1 - Geyde
doesn’t that mean i’m a village idiot