[Turbo] Oops, all Serial Killers! ver. 1 (No win!)

magnus you boomer


/heal magnus

You vigilante?

can’t do nothing anyways

im a farmer

Oh of course.
That’ll kill you.

no u

All night actions submitted. Would you like to skip to day?

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Rip gg


Yeah sure.
End it.

this was rigged for doctors

I know. Three Heals?

3 heals + you kill the person if they weren’t healed like wtf

Oh no.

Isaac has died! They were a Bad Doctor.

Magnus has died! They were a Stabby McGee.

Everyone has died! No one has (technically) won. (Because of a mod oversight, Firekitten only half-wins.)

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wtf did you do magnus

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How lol?

half of a pie is better then none

They craved blood I guess