[Turbo] Oops, all Serial Killers! ver. 1 (No win!)

That’s true bad doctor no action and then we good

Also I was upset I was expecting bad doctor to be 1: he someone, 2: kill them on accident if they aren’t

but yeah imagine a society with 10 living wages people, 5 middle class, and 1 rich person

and the goverment is a democracy


Roles Have Been Roles And Distributed.

Day 1 has begun and will end at 2019-11-28T23:05:00Z. There is no Day 1 lynch.

fuck im the doctor

What the fuck there’s no D1 lynch this is sad

this is sad i can’t kill no one

Let’s just vote no lynch repetatly

whats ur role


ok vote no lynch kill everyone else ill heal you

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What if someone attacks you should I guard you


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Can we attack ourselves

wait just guard and heal eachother and vote no lynch

I attack myself and you heal me

Hi, I’m also a Doctor Isaac

good idea

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shut up noob