Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

That would make me age 50 years and have arthritis


Hmmm when I host another Turbo Game, should we do it in this thread?

No, new thread everytime

No, we should Have a turbo game in the exact same thread every day at the same time and we vote on the game.

The only reason I knew it was htm was cuz I asked him to promise he was town and I would cri if he lied and he ignored me lmao.

So anyone thinking I had proreads on him is wrong, he literally was just too nice to lie.

Also he ignored me when I said lets shoot Fire, and his first vote was on Fire but didnt push, which is why I suspected him. Fire himself was squeaky clean.

The next Turbo game will begin preparation and start around 18 hours later ish

The funny thing is

I ask myself “would town htm say this?” if it’s a yes I say it and get immediately accused

if I ask myself “would scum htm say this” if it’s a yes I say it and get townread

It’s strange

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Signups for Game 2 will begin sometime tomorrow

9 slots needed



uh sign ups will happen when I can actually host this

which might be now maybe depending on how it goes

Second game in one forum page?


/join anyways sounds fun bois

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alright who else


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@Kirefitten @Alice @MaximusPrime @Boss110 @MathBlade @Captain @redrabbit

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can someone co-host or yall wanna wait for an hour and half

I’m gonna be on the plane until 3:15 PST

I don’t wanna get lynched d1 again so no,i am staying out from this.


Sorry roped into a lunch won’t be on all day.