Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

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play Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Alexa play forum mafia music


Alexa. Lead the 11th crusade

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Anyone who doesn’t vote is a wolf.

Guys im also going to make a horrible post soon regarding sfol classcards so get ready

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/accuse Alexa scum confirmed

Firekitten knows what this is but y’all arent ready


@Kirefitten read for us the magic words

He means a game idea he had I can’t spoil anything.

@Htm @Planterror @Luxy @Pug @MaximusPrime @Moleland @Kirefitten @Shurian @Marcus_Doodalee

Please confirm




/Vote Luxy


/confirmed town

hold your horses day hasn’t started yet

oh shoot they are confirmed town

/Vote Mole

Fuck why do I keep rolling mafia

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