Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

Kinda wanna CFD onto HTM


What? How am i a VI for thinking he was vig.

/vote shuri

this will tell me a lot i guess

good luck guys. ill be cheering here.


and one of them is mole. ggez

but yeah, my wagon was really dumb

CFD onto shurian gogogogogogo

shurian at l-1

Why exactly?

1 Like
Accused Voters Count
Shuri Marcus, Plant, Luxy, Max 4/5
Pug Mole, Shuri 2/5
Mole Pug, Litten, Htm 3/5

Majority is 5.


Im shooting you tonight what is your defense?

But I’m just being me

1 minute remains.

That’s just VI for you suggesting that this is literally turbo I actually thought he was claiming that

Mole should be lynched tomorrow.

I like all the people on Shuri’s wagon, hammer.

cfd onto htm then

honestly i think shuri might be town

/vote htm

(50% chance)

/vote HTM

CFD time!

I’m civilian

/vote htm
