Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

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I am leading this game into flavor-town

I couldnā€™t think of enough taunts aaaaaa

My mylo/lylo game as scum is terrible

You were kinda obvious tbh, I usually try to think of this complex plan so you should of instead of trying to argue with me in chats try to think of taunts (during the night time)

@Htm sorry bro.

But at least it was a close, tense game.

The middle of the road

The East City gang, led by Litten and Luxy, was split down the middle, both of the heads drawing their guns against each other.

Enter Hippolytus, the head of the unified West City gang.

Litten and Luxy held their pistols at each other, unmoving and shouting cheeky taunts at each other.

ā€œHe betrayed the whole cityā€, said Litten.

ā€œThatā€™s what he wants you to thinkā€, said Luxy.

Hippo felt annoyed by their bickering. ā€œI donā€™t care about your little gangā€™s mutiny, Iā€™m here to claim the whole town as my own.ā€

Litten turned to Hippo. ā€œThis isnā€™t what you think. Heā€™s caused the deaths of all the other gang heads too. Him with Harold Tim Mann, that big bearded man who led the North Side gang.ā€

Hippo cocked his gun towards Luxy. ā€œHippo you fool! Do you think that Iā€™d be the one to try to sieze power? Litten is the one whoā€™s at the head of this all. Heā€™s been taunting you for years about your tiny gang.ā€

Hippo looked back at Litten. He knew that he was at odds with Litten.

Butā€¦ ā€œCuck it,ā€ said Hippo, and he shot Luxy down, before turning his gun towards Litten as well.

But Litten dropped his gun. ā€œHippo, I had no intentions to shoot you from the start.ā€

Luxy has been lynched! He wasā€¦


I think I did decent tbh

Town Wins!

The mafia, Luxy and htm, have both been killed.

yeah FK you played well i was at the point where like if you flipped scum i wouldnt have even been mad


Kill me now

This is why i didnt want to do this.

Hey you did something you voted, we didnā€™t expect you to carry, turbo games are meant to be fun

I spent 2.5 hours prepping for a game

Htmā€™s scum game has not been so good historically and it was over for Luxy after Htm died


PoE had one scum out of the two and shot one with Plant

Still 100% vig shots huzzah!

It was probably protown that I was shot as I was suspecting Plant

I literally told him htm or no one

pro strats vote up and kill your neighbor d1 and shoot no one the entire game

Also i predicted my death

And just for the record, i didnā€™t use a 20 sided die. I used an 8 sided die to make neighborhoods

Sorry game was going too fast to help you
Couldnā€™t tell if you were scum faking

So, honestly livicus you should change this title to turbo game a day, where at like 12:00 or a time that anyone wants a game will always start and then we can vote before then what game we want to play.

ooh thatā€™s a good idea

but I canā€™t make edits

anyways Iā€™m gonna have dinner soon so pre-in me for the next turbo game