Turbo Time - Almost Mountainous (1/9) - Host: HTM

the lower the dice number, the better the chances of it suceeding


@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 14

Only if you love me and don’t kill me


so basically, all abilities except for Chauffeur and Jailor would’ve been successful

sorry Maximus gave me a order.



@MaximusPrime how dare you

We’re almost full

Also, I’m not reading the OP


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why not read the OP? It’s actually quite essential

Doctor max am I allowed to play a game or will my condition worsen :thinking:


Because that’s gay and miss me with that gay shit

Because no

Alright all 9 slots are full

please confirm

Yay we’re full @Livicus roll

/Join again

Wait did I make it or rip
